August 2024



Featured Feeder:

The Fundamentals Squirrel-proof Feeder

So long squirrels! Our Fundamentals Squirrel Proof feeder is weight-sensitive, so when a squirrel gets on the feeder the feeding ports close, denying access to the seed. Birds can use the four perches, or they can cling to the metal shroud to feed. Many different seed blends can go into this feeder, but we do not recommend anything that has fruit or suet nuggets, because those can prevent the weigh mechanism from working properly. Stop by the store or order online at to get stocked up on anything you need for your feathered friends.


What have we been up to?

Bluebird Trail Monitoring!

Mitch and Laurel have been helping monitor the Bluebird Trail at Island Lake Recreation Area all season. They have come across more than just Eastern Bluebirds in the houses though! Just a few weeks ago they identified nests of House Wrens and Tree Swallows. House Wren nests typically are full of twigs and sticks that are woven into a cup, however some other materials might be used. In this case, the Wrens added feathers and some grasses. As nesting season wraps up this month, it is a great time to update and clean out nests that are no longer active.


Upcoming Events

Wednesday, August 7th 1:30PM – 2:30PM (Brighton District Library): Birds Rock! Taking a closer look at why birds sing. Check with the Library for attendance.

Sunday, August 11th 4PM – 5PM (in-store): The Miraculous Monarch Butterfly. Call the store to reserve your seat.

Thursday, August 15th 7PM – 8PM (Brighton District Library): Migration Magic. Check with the Library for attendance.

Saturday August 17th, 9AM – 8PM and Sunday August 18th 9AM – 5PM: We will have a booth at the Howell Melon Fest.

Thursday, August 22nd 7PM – 8PM (in-store): Fabulous Finches: A Fun Family of Birds. Call the store to reserve your seat.

Where is Laurel?

Laurel is beginning the month reading and researching everything about monarch butterflies to create a brand-new program. She will also continue her community engagement efforts by making plans to teach two programs at the Brighton District Library: one for families with kids & one for adults.

Mid-August will find Laurel in downtown Howell for the two days of Melon Fest! Laurel and staff will be on hand both days to coordinate binocular tutorials, answer questions, & educate about the hobby of backyard bird feeding.

The month will wrap up with Laurel attending a native plant & pollinator symposium hosted by Michigan Audubon. Any new information she gleans from the symposium will be incorporated into her talks, so our customers have access to the most recent and accurate information.


Bird Nerd Corner:

Bark Butter® Delights

We recently started carrying a new window feeder that can be used for Bark Butter®. Our customer S.H. had this beautiful male Northern Cardinal appear within a few days of putting it up! They said that it only took a few more days for Blue Jays, Black-capped Chickadees, and Tufted Titmice to find it. Bark Butter® is a great product to serve to your birds year-round, the protein and added calcium is especially important right now as molting season begins. As birds shed old feathers and grow new ones to prepare for the colder weather, more nutrients are always better than not enough! This feeder is perfect for bringing your birds in close and it is super easy to clean, since it is made out of recycled plastic harvested from milk jugs.


Save the Songbirds:

Having a Reliable Water Source

Water is an important resource for any bird or critter throughout the year. Many birds need to bathe regularly to keep their feathers in tip-top shape for flying and insulation, as well as having a clean drinking source. In addition, when you add water plenty of other birds might start to visit your yard, too! American Robins, Gray Catbirds, and Eastern Bluebirds might not come to seed or nut feeders, but they will flock to a birdbath, pond, or water feature fairly quickly. Water definitely brings the whimsy out of the birds and as you watch you will notice tons of different behaviors that you might not see at the feeders. Some birds almost appear to be “playing” as they splash around and flutter their wings.

Birdbaths do get dirty fast, so always make sure the water is clean and fresh for them. At the store we have a couple of different options to minimize and reduce the amount of build-up. Birdbath Protector is an eco-friendly enzyme that can be added weekly, and it works to prevent stains, sludge, algae, and mineral deposits. The Copper Purification Disk is a new way to prevent algae growth that lasts indefinitely, since copper is naturally anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-algal.

Mosquito larvae are another thing to look out for when water is stagnant for a long time, so adding movement to the water will prevent them from laying eggs. We have a battery powered Water Wiggler™, a plug-in waterfall fountain or a solar water fountain, that are available in-store. They all can fit into a variety of birdbath sizes and the sound of moving water can help attract birds faster.

We also carry heated birdbaths that are restocked in fall, so keep an eye out for when those return to the store if that is what interests you. Our model is a plug-in and does require an extension cord for set-up. It has a thermostatically controlled heating element, which allows the water to remain at an optimal temperature, preventing freezing and offering birds a consistent and accessible water supply.