March 2025



The Problem Solver:

Safflower Seed

European Starlings are beginning to take over feeders this time of year, so make sure you are prepared with ways to beat them! Safflower seed is the only food that can significantly reduce the amount of Starlings at your feeders. It has such a thick seed shell that they cannot break through it to get the meat that is inside. All of your other native species will come to it, like House Finches, Black-capped Chickadees, and Northern Cardinals! We have this food available as a seed cylinder or loose; and the loose seed does well in many different styles of feeders. Stock up today by visiting us in-store or shopping online at


What have we been doing?

Waiting for Nesting Season!

Eastern Bluebirds are already starting to look for the best place to raise a family right now, and so are many other birds. This is the best time to
clean, update, or move bird houses around your yard. Birds always need a reliable food and water source to raise young successfully, so consider adding a bird bath or feeding mealworms! Our store manager Summer has a camera in all of her bird houses and captured this amazing screenshot of a pair checking out the real estate! Here is what their conversation might sound like: “So... how about this one? It seems to have good bones and it’s in a nice neighborhood!”


Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, March 2nd from 4 PM to 5:30 PM (in-store):
    Nesting Neighbors. Learn about the nesting rituals of our native birds and two of the most desirable species to attract: the Eastern Bluebird and Purple Martins.


  • Sunday, March 16th from 4 PM to 5 PM (in-store): Marvelous Mason Bees. A class that teaches you the importance of native bee species and how beneficial native planting is.

Contact the store for class registration at 810-522-5520 or click HERE to register online. 

Meet Our Flock:

Martin the Store Cat

Question: When did you join Wild Birds Unlimited of Brighton? I moved into the store in March of 2020
during the lockdown.

Question: What’s your favorite part of being a valuable member of the team? I love my fans! So many people have asked if I’m for sale and if they can take me home. It’s nice to be so wanted and loved by everyone.

Question: What’s your favorite bird? The Black-capped chickadee. Each spring a family of chickadees nests in front of the store. I LOVE fledging day! I glue myself to the front window and watch the fledglings as they sit in front of the store, stretch their wings, chirp for mom & dad, and eventually learn how to fly!


Bird Nerd Corner:

Barred Owl Banter

Birds of prey, like the Barred Owl, typically nest a lot earlier than other birds. Their fledglings need more time than other species to develop and it takes them longer to learn how to hunt for themselves. In Michigan, they begin nesting in late February and will hatch in late March or early April. This gives them several months to learn how to survive on their own. Our customer J.H. caught this amazing snapshot of a Barred Owl perched about 20 feet in a tree during their morning walk. If you are interested in sharing a story or picture with us send an email to [email protected].


Save the Songbirds:

Don’t Clean the Garden Yet!

The weather in Michigan can be unpredictable during Spring, so don’t let the first days of warmth fool you into early spring cleaning and garden prepping! Many different insect species rely on leftover leaf litter and plant material for protection during the chilly nights earlier in the season, and the heavier rains later in the season. Without this protection, it becomes much more difficult for the bees, butterflies, moths, and beetles to survive, reproduce, and pollinate.

Some of the earliest species to begin emerging are Bumble Bees, Mason Bees, and Cellophane Bees, which are all essential pollinators to Red Buds, Serviceberries, Dogwoods, and other fruit trees. Each one nests differently, but leaf litter supports all of them. The ground nesters require coverage to prevent predators from accessing the site and the cavity/tunnel nesters need as many nesting sites as possible. There are several other projects that can be done to increase the number of pollinators in your yard, like installing a bee hotel or adding a brush pile. Michigan State University created the Michigan Pollinator Initiative that will give you tons of plans for pollinator habitat, and tons of native planting information, too.

So when should you clean-up the garden? The Xerces Society has created a great questionnaire that can help you determine when to start your yard work, like do you still have a snow shovel and winter coats out? If the answer is yes, it is way too early to cut back perennials and begin preparing your vegetable garden. Take some more time to plan your garden before going to work, and leave your garden wilder for longer this Spring. Here are the websites that were referenced for this, check them out and learn some more about native pollinators and plants.


Xerces Society:
Michigan State University:
USDA Forest Service:


Cardinal Confetti

Cardinal Confetti *NEW* Throw a Party for Your Cardinals

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Winter Superblend Loose

Being Seasonally Savvy for Winter High Fat Foods Bring the Heat

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Finch Feeder Winter

How to Prepare Your Yard for Winter Food, Shelter and Water!!

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